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Introduction to C

About C
Programming Language is a notification to write programs. From early 1970 till today C has been providing its power as an all purpose programming language. Most of the software are written in C.
C was developed at AT and T's Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was designed and written by Dennis Ritche. At that time people were in search for an all purpose language which can program all possible application instead of using a specific language. 
What is C
  1. C is a middle level programming language because it provides good programming efficiency as compared to machine oriented languages or any other languages. It has a relatively good machine efficiency as compared to other high level languages.
  2. C is a block structured language with fundamental flow control cunstructions.
  3. All tasks lie input,output, graphics, mathematical operation are done through library of functions. That is why C is also called Function Oriented Language. C has a rich se of operators compared to other High Level Languages like COBOL,BASIC etc.
  4. It also permits data conversation.
  5. Dynamic storage allocation is possible in C.
  6. Apart from the primary data types like int, float, car C also provides many extensive varieties of data types like array, pointers, unions, structures etc.
  7. recursive function is possible in C.
  8. It is applied in system, Language Compilers & Interpreters, Network drivers, Text Editors, Utilities etc.
                           Read next on  Structure of a C Program and Running a Program in C.  click here


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